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The IMDb STARmeter is a ranking of every actor and actress on IMDb. The ranking is only available on IMDbPro so if you are an actor and you do not have an IMDbPro account, you should sign up for one right away. The STARmeter gives casting directors, agents and anyone browsing the IMDb site an insight into the popularity of all its actors in the database.

The rankings simply indicate how popular a particular actor is based on the browsing behavior of the millions of IMDb users. A person’s high ranking can be determined by many aspects, including negative publicity. In short, the ranking is a measurement of public awareness.

IMDb uses proprietary algorithms to determine these ratings on a weekly basis. In simple terms, the ratings are calculated based on who and what people are looking at on IMDb.com and IMDbPro.com.

Our service helps actors and crew members achieve better rankings on IMDb. We start by getting views to your IMDb profile page (depending on the monthly package you select). Your IMDb page will also be socially bookmarked to increase search engine visibility. When your page gets more traffic, your STARmeter is boosted which will get you noticed by agents and casting directors.

IMDb updates their STARmeter rankings every Sunday night. You should see an improvement in your STARmeter ranking the in two weeks after your campaign goes live.

The entertainment business is purely built on perception which is why the STARmeter is so important. The most important people who use the STARmeter rankings are casting directors and agents. Having a good STARmeter ranking tells them that the public is very interested in you because they are visiting your page on a consistent basis.

In order to see your ranking, you need to sign up for IMDbPro. Fortunately, they offer a free trial for you to try the service before paying.

You should expect to see your rating lower from between 50% to 90% depending on where you rank at the moment. The rate at which your ranking improves depends on the package you select.

No. We are an independent company and are in no way affiliated with IMDb or IMDbPro.